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We continue in our Origins series this week. The teaching will be based on Genesis 2:18-25. To prepare for Sunday, read this passage and reflect about what you learn about humanity in general, and the relationship between men and women.

This week we'll take a short break from our "Origins" series (past messages and study guides can be accessed here). We're excited to have Will Witherington with us as our guest speaker this week. Will and his wife Danielle serve with Campus Outreach in Lexington, KY. Will is the regional director, overseeing campus ministries on four campuses in Kentucky. The teaching this week will be based on Leviticus 16:1-6, 20-22 and Hebrews 4:14-16. To prepare for worship, read this texts and reflect on how they relate to one another. How does Leviticus 16 point you to Jesus?

We continue in our Origins series this week (you can click here to listen to past sermons and for study guides going along with the series). This week Dave Dupee will teach from Genesis 2:4-15 on "Stewardship and Work."

There is something special about the people of God coming together for worship (Hebrews 10:24-25). Thus, we hope that Sundays at New City are a highlight of your week. In an effort to help you get more out of it, we're posting a short preview of the upcoming Sunday gathering.

We're camping out again this week in Genesis 1, this week focusing especially on how God has made humanity. We'll consider what it means to be made in the image of God. To prepare, read Genesis 1:26-31. What do think it means to be made in God's image?

We'll begin this week by calling each to worship using the words of Revelation 4:11 and singing Come and Welcome ("love's redeeming work is done / come and welcome, sinner come"). God has made peace with us through Jesus Christ. We'll focus on that as we pass the peace (greet one another) and sing Death to Life and Nothing But the Blood.

We're starting a new teaching series this week called "Origins." We'll be walking through the first eleven chapters of Genesis, using this as a framework for understanding who we are, who God is, what's wrong with the world, and how it can be fixed. Josh will be giving a bird's eye look at the series this week, and then honing in on Genesis 1:1-3.

We will call ourselves (and each other) to worship by singing In Your Name - a gospel-centered song that reminds us that we worship and do mission because God has sought us in Jesus Christ (listen to the song at the bottom of this post). We'll confess our sins together in prayer and by singing Out of the Depths. We'll go then to the cross to look for pardon as we reflect and sing In the Cross of Christ. With our sin confessed and our hope in Jesus, this frees us up to sing with joy Jesus Thou Joy of Loving Hearts.

The highlight of the Christian calendar is Easter Sunday, where we fix our eyes on Jesus and celebrate his resurrection. Our worship gathering will be bookended with songs pointing you to Jesus (Come See the Son and In Christ Alone). We'll hone in on Jesus' resurrection in our responsive readings and the song He's Alive. We'll also sing about the effects of the resurrection: Jesus can really save us (Hosanna), he has defeated death (Death In His Grave), and he has the power to redeem and restore the world (All Things New).

The first Sunday of holy week is commonly called "Palm Sunday" or "Passion Sunday." In our worship gathering this week, we'll focus on Jesus' entry into Jerusalem to the shouts of "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming king of our father David! Hosanna in the highest!" (Mark 11:9-10). To prepare for worship, read Zechariah 9:9-12 and Matthew 11:1-11. Ask yourself what it means to receive Jesus as King, and to long for the coming of his kingdom?