Archives for September 2019

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Officer Nominations 2020

New City family,Just this past Sunday we ordained and installed deacons and elders at our 9a worship service. That means it's the time of year when we receive nominations for NEXT year's elders and deacon.Here is how it works:Like in Acts 6, members of the congregation can nominate potential candidates. CLICK HEREto fill out the nomination form. Please note: you must be a ...

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New Members at New City!

We are thankful for the ways the Lord continues to grow His church at New City. This summer, we welcomed 17 new members into our congregation: Jean + Jeff Berkmeyer; Dustin Brankamp (Vivienne); Grace + Robert DiPaolo; Isaiah Ehmke; Amara Emenari; Rachel + David Hammitt; Calvin Hester; Annabelle Larson; Wes Ray; Hunter Roedel; Brandae + Kyle Sweetland (Rowan + Selah); Ha...

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Ferry Sabbatical Recap from Pastor Brian

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This is a condensed version of the report Pastor Brian shared at the congregational meeting on Sept. 15. This summer we had the extraordinary opportunity to take a sabbatical. Not only does New City have a policy that our pastors have a mandatory 3 month sabbatical every 7 years but we were also the recipients of a Clergy Renewal Grant from the Lilly Foundation. Every...

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Gospel DNA Resources


Last Sunday, we began a new sermon series: Gospel DNA. We believe that the gospel is not something you learn and move on from. Instead, it is something we're continually shaped and formed by, individually and collectively. As you're following along with us on Sunday mornings and in your community group, here are some resources that may be helpful to you to grow in your un...

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New Series: Gospel DNA

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There are some beliefs that are, well, simply beliefs. They're positions we hold about the different issues we're asked to form opinions on, such as whether Cincinnati is the best city in the world, or whether dogs or cats make better pets. But there are other beliefs that we hold that are so central and so foundational in our lives that we call them worldview. Beliefs su...

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