Officer Nominations 2020

New City family,

Just this past Sunday we ordained and installed deacons and elders at our 9a worship service. That means it’s the time of year when we receive nominations for NEXT year’s elders and deacon.

Here is how it works:

Like in Acts 6, members of the congregation can nominate potential candidates. CLICK HERE to fill out the nomination form. Please note: you must be a member to nominate someone.

The existing leadership will receive the nominations and invite the candidates into a training process lasting approximately 6-8 months. Some people nominated may not enter the process, either because they decline, the elders suggest a different way to serve or something to work on, or are not eligible for some reason.

After the training, the elders will recommend trained and assessed candidates back to the congregation. The congregation can elect them at our congregational meeting.

They will serve a 3 year term.

For more information about Biblical leadership in the church in general and the roles of elders and deacons particularly at New City please listen to the sermons Willing Shepherds, Crisis, Opportunity and Leadership, and The Character of a Leader. Then prayerfully consider nominating a man for the office of elder or deacon. Elders focus on prayer, shepherding and teaching. Deacons focus on service and mercy.

Please remember that you should only nominate people that you know well enough that you can speak to their character, and have observed serving in ministry. 

Thanks for joining with us in this very important process. Again, here is the link for the nomination form: . We will receive nominations through November 25th.

If you have questions, please contact Pastor Josh.