Posts by Abby Murrish

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Preparing for Lent and looking to Eastertide


At New City, we order our worship as church family using the church calendar. The liturgical calendar marks time following the birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. We don't find the church calenar in the Bible; it's not magical and it's nothing so sacred that we can't adapt it. But for centuries and centuries the church has marked time differently usin...

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Coming in 2020!


It might be hard to believe, but 2020 is a few short weeks away! We know your schedules are full with holiday preparations, and we wanted to make sure some upcoming registration deadlines didn't fall through the cracks. In January, we hit pause on community groups so that we have space to enjoy some other events as a church family. Here's a list of all the church events h...

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2019 Advent at New City


At New City, one way we order our church life and worship is withthe liturgical calendar.Throughout the course of 365 days, we commemorate the different ways that God has worked in the past to orient our lives around and give us eyes to see his work in our world right now. Advent marks the beginning of the Christian, liturgical year. This year, Advent begins Dec. 1 and en...

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Easter Weekend at New City

What's happening at New City Presbyterian Church this Easter? In addition to our usual Good Friday (April 19) and Easter Sunday (April 21) services, we're excited to host a community pancake breakfast and egg hunt on Saturday, April 20. Learn more about each of these events below and over at our events page. On Good Friday at 6:30 p.m. (April 19), we'll gather to read a...

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