2019 Advent at New City
November 5, 2019
At New City, one way we order our church life and worship is with the liturgical calendar. Throughout the course of 365 days, we commemorate the different ways that God has worked in the past to orient our lives around and give us eyes to see his work in our world right now.
Advent marks the beginning of the Christian, liturgical year. This year, Advent begins Dec. 1 and ends Dec. 24.
Advent is a time of waiting and expecting the arrival of Jesus; we remind ourselves of the good news that God became man and dwelt with us. To mark this season of Advent, we’re planning a handful of events as a church family to celebrate and mark Christ’s coming. Details for all events will be up on the Church Center App or at newcitycincy.org/events.
Christmas Store — Saturday, December 7 from 9a-3:45p
Whether you want to shop at the store or volunteer at the store (or both!), join us as we remind celebrate Christmas by coming together as a community to serve one another together.
NCK Singing — Sunday, December 8 at 9a and 10:45a
Come hear NCK sing at one of our services. Always a fun morning!
Christmas Party & Hymnsing — Friday, December 13 at 7p
Join us for our ninth annual Christmas Party and Hymnsing. This is always a fun evening of spending time with neighbors and friends and singing Christmas carols. NOTE: We’ve shifted the program this year to accommodate our growing numbers. See the event in Planning Center for details; childcare deadline is Dec. 7 at noon.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Lessons & Carols — December 24 at 4p & 11p
For the first time this year we will have TWO Christmas Eve services: 4p or 11p. Children of all ages are welcome in the worship service though there will be a nursery provided for children ages 4 and under @ our 4p service. (No nursery at 11p).
Later this week, we’ll share some of our favorite resources for personal and household worship during Advent season. So stay-tuned.
Looking forward to observing Advent with you.