Apr 26
Manhood, Womanhood, and Family
A talk about manhood, book about womanhood, and an article on leading your family spiritually.
This summer we’re going to walk through 1 Corinthians 13 phrase by phrase, considering both the nature of love, and how to embody it. It’ll be ugly at times, because none of us are touching the way of life in this chapter. But it will be hopeful, because we can see real growth in love, individually and as a community.
Keep ReadingHere's what you need to know and remember about coming back to the building for worship as we reopen.
Keep ReadingFor our Signs sermon series we had several artists from New City represent the sign in their artwork. Sadly we had to cease meeting together in the midst of the series but here are the pieces and brief descriptions from the sermons shared in the series either in person or via our house church liturgies. Thanks to all the artists who encouraged us by using their gifts to create these delightful works!
Keep ReadingJudges—a new sermon series beginning June 2, 2019
Keep ReadingHere's some of what's happening this Sunday morning.
Keep ReadingWhat's happening in the life of New City as of January 24th, 2019
Keep ReadingApr 26
A talk about manhood, book about womanhood, and an article on leading your family spiritually.
Apr 23
Around the web - a new biography of Bonhoeffer, a new adventure book by a patristics scholar, and NPR does a story on teens and texting.
Apr 20
This Sunday Marc Champagne spoke on The Missional Mindset from John 20:19-22 and Acts 1:8. The following guide is designed for discussion in community groups, or for journalling and reflection on your own...
Apr 14
The following is based on last week's sermon text, Mark 4:35-41. The following questions may help in further discussing the text with others, or in your own personal reflection and application...
Apr 9
People are always asking me what I've been reading, so here's what I've read so far in 2010. Links are to longer reviews on my other blog...
Apr 6
We talked a little bit on Sunday about how belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ gives us the resources to live a big and significant life. This is because the resurrection signals to us that God is not done with the world...
Apr 6
As an aid to understanding and applying the text from which the sermon this week was based, you can use the following questions to talk with others, or to reflect and journal on your own...
Apr 2
I never get tired of hearing this guy preach...
Apr 2
I can't think of a better way to spend 3 1/2 minutes on Good Friday, than listening to this.
Apr 1
Bono is the lead singer of the rock band, U2. A few years ago he did a long interview with Rolling Stone, which was later turned into a book. Bono and the interviewer got onto the subject of Jesus...