The Big 5 | What to do when coming back to the building for worship
May 28, 2020God willing, the weekend of June 6th & 7th we will reopen our building for worship together. You can read the letter from our elders here. Some of the general steps we're taking in reopening and how things may look different can be read about here.
But on a week to week basis while these strange times continue here's The Big 5 you need to remember:
- Register you and everyone in your household for the worship gathering you’ll be attending. Registration will begin on the Monday before. You'll register online via the Church Center. This can be done via the Church Center app or at the Church Center online.
- Stay home if you’re sick
- BYOM: Bring your own mask (We're asking folks in attendance to please wear masks. We'll have a supply of extras in case you forget but you'll likely be more comfortable in your own)
- Enter in the front doors (or the ramp if need be)
- Check in on the Church Center when you arrive. This can be done via the Church Center as well; either the app or Church Center online. This is helpful so we know who all is in attendance at which service.
There you have it! Remember the Big 5 and the rest is the easy part.