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Last Sunday we talked about a very confusing passage - Mark 13. I think it's confusing because Jesus is talking to the disciples about two events - the destruction of the temple (which came to pass in 70 AD), and the final end of the world. My interpretation can be called a "two level" reading of the passage. Some verses refer to the destruction of the temple (a mini-end of the world), and some refer to Judgment Day (a final end to the world). And some verses seem to be referring to both events at once (v.28-30 for example).

Sunday is Halloween. And even more importantly, it's Reformation Day. Historically, Protestant churches have used this day to reflect on the events of October 31, 1517 when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenburg Cathedral.

On Sunday we looked at Mark 13, which is often called "The Olivet Discourse." It's one of the hardest passages in Mark to understand, and I'm pretty sure you won't find a passage in Mark with a greater variety of interpretations. Commentators disagree about the meaning of this chapter, even when they agree about almost everything else.

This week in worship we get to hear a brief report from Barry Schutter, a missionary working with World Harvest Mission in London. Barry, and his wife Amy, work with a church plant (New Life Masih Ghar) which ministers mainly to South Asians living in London.

Corporate worship is a great thing. Of course, we can worship God on our own and with our families - and we should. But there is something special about the people of God coming together for worship (Hebrews 10:24-25). Thus, we hope that corporate worship is the highlight of your week. In an effort to help you get more out of worship, we're posting a short preview of the upcoming worship service each week. Hopefully you'll find this helpful and encouraging...