We're just about at the midway point of our Making Room project. Throughout the month of November we'll be taking stock of where we're at and reminding ourselves of where we're going. We'll do this by studying the book of Ruth.
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New Sermon Series: The Greatest of These is LOVE
This summer we’re going to walk through 1 Corinthians 13 phrase by phrase, considering both the nature of love, and how to embody it. It’ll be ugly at times, because none of us are touching the way of life in this chapter. But it will be hopeful, because we can see real growth in love, individually and as a community.
Keep ReadingThe Big 5 | What to do when coming back to the building for worship
Here's what you need to know and remember about coming back to the building for worship as we reopen.
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Signs Artwork
For our Signs sermon series we had several artists from New City represent the sign in their artwork. Sadly we had to cease meeting together in the midst of the series but here are the pieces and brief descriptions from the sermons shared in the series either in person or via our house church liturgies. Thanks to all the artists who encouraged us by using their gifts to create these delightful works!
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Judges - Sermon Series Beginning June 2
Judges—a new sermon series beginning June 2, 2019
Keep ReadingGetting Ready for Sunday, February 24th 2019
Here's some of what's happening this Sunday morning.
Keep ReadingNew City News | January 24th, 2019
What's happening in the life of New City as of January 24th, 2019
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