Christianity and Human Sexuality

Robert Cunningham was our speaker for this year's Fall Conference. His subject was Christianity and Human Sexuality. The teaching was designed to equip us both to understand Christianity orthodoxy, as well as the challenges to this presented by the modern world. The Friday and Saturday talks were: 1.) Revelation of Eros, 2.) Redirection of Eros, and 3.) Resurrection of Eros. These talks, along with Sunday's sermon, were recorded and accesible online. I highly recommend you give them a listen.

Prayer meetings

Almighty God, who holds us accountable for the use of all our powers and privileges: Guide, we ask, the people of our nation in the election of their rulers and representatives; that by wise legislation and faithful administration the rights of all may be protected, and our nation be enabled to fulfill Your purposes; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen (Book of Common Worship, 1946)

Look graciously, O Lord upon this land. Where it is in pride, subdue it; where it is in need, supply it. Where it is in error, rectify it; where it is in default, restore it. And where it holds to that which is just and compassionate, support it. (Church of Pakistan, 20th Century)

This week I'll be leading a couple of prayer meetings. These will be short 30-40 minute gatherings in the sanctuary -- Thursday at noon or Friday at 7am. The goal here is to pray for the wartorn areas of our world (especially Israel and the Ukraine), and to pray for our country with election day coming next week. 

We won't be sermonizing to each other, or giving any lectures on civics, but simply going to God in prayer. I'll have several prompts to get us started, but the goal is to intercede with the Lord for our city, country and the world. We hope you can make one of these meetings.

Ruth: Unceasing Kindness

The greatest missionary task of the church in a secular age is the recovery of the vocation of hospitality. (Greg Thompson)

We're just about at the midway point of our Making Room project. Throughout the month of November we'll be taking stock of where we're at and reminding ourselves of where we're going. We'll do this by studying the book of Ruth.

We'll have a special Making Room devotional for you to use during the last two weeks of November. but in the meantime, if you'd like to learn more about Ruth, check out these resources:

We can't wait to see you all Sunday. There will be new songs for us to learn together for the series and, as always, great New City Kids classes, hot coffee, and friendly faces. Bring a friend along with you.

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