Getting Ready for Palm Sunday (04-17-11)
There is something special about the people of God coming together for worship (Hebrews 10:24-25). Thus, we hope that Sundays at New City are a highlight of your week. In an effort to help you get more out of it, we're posting a short preview of the upcoming Sunday gathering each week.
The first Sunday of holy week is commonly called "Palm Sunday" or "Passion Sunday." In our worship gathering this week, we'll focus on Jesus' entry into Jerusalem to the shouts of "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming king of our father David! Hosanna in the highest!" (Mark 11:9-10). To prepare for worship, read Zechariah 9:9-12 and Matthew 11:1-11. Ask yourself what it means to receive Jesus as King, and to long for the coming of his kingdom.
We'll start by singing Jesus Everlasting King, calling attention to the character and position of Jesus as our eternal King. Then we'll sing Hosanna - admitting our sin and need for Jesus to come and save us ("Hosanna" means "save us.") We're assured that he can save us as we sing He's Alive: "Lift your eyes, the Savior has arrived. He's alive!" Then we'll move our minds and hearts ahead to Good Friday, singing When I Survey the Wonderful Cross.
We'll be asking you to offer prayers of thanksgiving and praise during the "Prayers of the People." In particular, we'll be asking you to use the Psalms to offer prayers to God. Josh will open up the prayer time for anyone to read a favorite psalm, or to pray a prayer based on a psalm. This can be a rich time of worship and encouragement, so we hope you'll come willing and ready to pray. Bibles will be available to use, in case you forget to bring yours.
Dave Dupee will speaking from Ephesians 1:3-10 on "The Power of the Cross." After the message we'll respond to God's Word, singing God the Father's Only Son, and God the Spirit.
We're looking forward to seeing you Sunday. Bring a friend with you.
Andrew Peterson explaining the song Hosanna.
Andrew Peterson performing Hosanna.
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