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Resources for Advent

Resources for

Throughout December, we'll be observing Advent at New City. Advent is a season preparation, waiting and celebration. As we look back to the stable in Bethlehem, we rejoice that our God became man and dwelt with us. And, we also look forward to when Christ will come again. Along with Sunday morning worship, Advent is a wonderful opportunity to set aside some personal time ...

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2019 Advent at New City


At New City, one way we order our church life and worship is withthe liturgical calendar.Throughout the course of 365 days, we commemorate the different ways that God has worked in the past to orient our lives around and give us eyes to see his work in our world right now. Advent marks the beginning of the Christian, liturgical year. This year, Advent begins Dec. 1 and en...

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Introducing Beautiful Orthodoxy


Over the next few years, Pastor Josh will offer a series of training courses featuring a bit of a deeper dive into theology, spiritual formation and mission. We're calling this ongoing course series Beautiful Orthodoxy. The goal of this course series is notbigger brains, but lives changed by God's Word, lived orthodoxy, and practical theology. These courses are for those ...

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Women's Retreat Reflection from Kristin Boys

Back in 2012, my days were consumed by pacifiers, potty training and play dates, which fueled my vision for New City's first women's retreat. As a young mom, my goal in spearheading the event was simply to get away for the weekend (for my first overnight away from my family). I craved quiet time, spiritual renewal, and rest. What I didn't plan for was a deeper connection...

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Ministry Spotlight + Upcoming Opportunity: IHN


Over the past few years, we've had the joy of partnering with Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN).IHN provides homeless families emergency shelter and hospitality through faith communities while working with families to help them find and retain stable housing. We're partnering with IHN the week of November 17 and need your help! Every evening that week, we'll provide a ...

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Resources for Hospitality


At our recent Missional Motherhood event, Jill Jackson shared a bit about what it looks like to show hospitality in the season of motherhood. Her talk can be found in the Mom's Group on Groups if you want to listen/re-listen! Whether or not you're a mom, hospitality can be challenging, bringing out our fears and insecurities. We thought it might be helpful to share a few ...

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October Peanut Butter Drive!

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I mean, wouldn't it be great if there was an easy way to love our neighbor this Thanksgiving? Wouldn't it be great if all it involved was just picking up a jar of peanut butter from the grocery store while there doing weekly shopping, then bringing that peanut butter to church? Well, do I have the perfect service opportunity for you! One of the area ministries we have th...

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Officer Nominations 2020

New City family,Just this past Sunday we ordained and installed deacons and elders at our 9a worship service. That means it's the time of year when we receive nominations for NEXT year's elders and deacon.Here is how it works:Like in Acts 6, members of the congregation can nominate potential candidates. CLICK HEREto fill out the nomination form. Please note: you must be a ...

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New Members at New City!

We are thankful for the ways the Lord continues to grow His church at New City. This summer, we welcomed 17 new members into our congregation: Jean + Jeff Berkmeyer; Dustin Brankamp (Vivienne); Grace + Robert DiPaolo; Isaiah Ehmke; Amara Emenari; Rachel + David Hammitt; Calvin Hester; Annabelle Larson; Wes Ray; Hunter Roedel; Brandae + Kyle Sweetland (Rowan + Selah); Ha...

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Ferry Sabbatical Recap from Pastor Brian

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This is a condensed version of the report Pastor Brian shared at the congregational meeting on Sept. 15. This summer we had the extraordinary opportunity to take a sabbatical. Not only does New City have a policy that our pastors have a mandatory 3 month sabbatical every 7 years but we were also the recipients of a Clergy Renewal Grant from the Lilly Foundation. Every...

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