
This Sunday we begin a new sermon series called LIVING IN THE GAP: Between Promise and Reality, based on the life of Abraham in Genesis 12-25. Our text for this week is Genesis 11.27-12.9


Abraham is a seminal character for the major faiths of the world so wherever you are in your faith journey, this journey with Abraham will be of help, because as Josh posted earlier this week, "you'll never be able to understand world history without knowing about Abraham. You won't be able to understand the Bible unless you know about Abraham, because the Scriptures (both Old Testament and New) are chalked full of references to him. And, unless you know about Abraham, you won't really know what it looks like to live faithfully in the gap between promise and reality. Abraham lived most of his life in the gap. And the Bible calls him 'the father of all who believe.' "

12-4 web 3

Songs we'll sing this week include:

Faithful One (listen


Be Still My Soul 


How Great Thou Art

(you probably know this one so here's a whimsical and amusing whistle version for your pleasure or to help you learn the tune if you don't know it already)


We Are Listening


My Hope is Built


Come and Sing 

After worship we're going to have a meet & greet for Cheryl, Meka (5), Eden (4), Quinn (2) & I at Izzy's. We hope you'll join us!



See you Sunday. Bring a friend with you to worship & buy their lunch @ Izzy's!