Getting Ready for Sunday | 3/11/12


Giving honor to God. We do that daily, individually, in word and deed. But there is also something special about the people of God coming TOGETHER for worship (Hebrews 10:24-25). Thus, we hope Sundays at New City are a highlight of your week. Here is some stuff to help you prepare for our corporate worship Sunday.


Turn to Genesis 18:16-33 to familiarize yourself with this week's sermon text. Josh will be exploring the idea of Praying for the City. You can access more of our Living in the Gap series' sermons and download study/discussion guides CLICK HERE.

Psalm 47 will serve as our call to worship and we'll be affirming our faith with the Apostles' Creed.


Here are the songs we'll be singing together:

Free Song! CLICK HERE to get the song It is Finished by Matt Papas. We're hoping to celebrate in song with this one during Holy Week. Add it to your playlist and learn it as we journey towards Good Friday and Easter.

Be there Sundays for our worship gatherings! Bring some friends!