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Gospel DNA

There are some beliefs that are, well, simply beliefs. They’re positions we hold about the different issues we’re asked to form opinions on, such as whether Cincinnati is the best city in the world, or whether dogs or cats make better pets. But there are other beliefs that we hold that are so central and so foundational in our lives that we call them worldview. Beliefs such as these rest at the center of our lives and they radically impact how we see and respond to the world. For Christians, the gospel is one such belief. This fall, 2019, our church celebrates its 10th birthday. And as we begin our second decade of ministry in Cincinnati, we're revising the questions that we started with: What does it mean to be a church centered on the gospel? How can we have and maintain a ministry “DNA” that is formed and shaped by the gospel? We're convinced that the gospel is not something you learn and move on from. Instead, it is something we’re continually shaped and formed by, individually and collectively.

Sermons from this Series

Nov 24


November 24, 2019

How Do We Serve Cincinnati?

Preacher: Ryan Zhang Scripture: Jeremiah 29:1-14 Series: Gospel DNA

Nov 17


November 17, 2019

How Do We Pray?

Preacher: Joshua Reitano Scripture: Matthew 6:5-15 Series: Gospel DNA

Nov 3


November 3, 2019

Why Can't We Go it Alone?

Preacher: Joshua Reitano Scripture: Ephesians 2:11-22 Series: Gospel DNA

Oct 27


October 27, 2019

Why Are We Here?

Preacher: Ryan Zhang Scripture: Mark 14:45 Series: Gospel DNA

Oct 13


October 13, 2019

How Do We Change?

Preacher: Joshua Reitano Scripture: Ephesians 4:17-24 Series: Gospel DNA

Oct 6


October 6, 2019

Why Did Jesus Die?

Preacher: Joshua Reitano Scripture: Isaiah 52:13– 53:12 Series: Gospel DNA

Sep 29


September 29, 2019

Who is Jesus?

Preacher: Joshua Reitano Scripture: Matthew 11:2-15 Series: Gospel DNA

Sep 22


September 22, 2019

What's Gone Wrong?

Preacher: Ryan Zhang Scripture: Psalm 51 Series: Gospel DNA

Sep 15


September 15, 2019

Who is God?

Preacher: Joshua Reitano Scripture: John 17:1-6, 20-26 Series: Gospel DNA