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7 Bells to Bethlehem: The O Antiphons

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7 Bells to Bethlehem: The O Antiphons

In the early centuries of the Church, Christians developed a custom of praying seven great prayers in the days before Christmas. They were prayers for Christ to come??"addressing him with titles given him in the Old Testament (specifically in the prophet Isaiah)??"O Wisdom, O Root, O Key, O Light, O Lord, O King, O Emmanuel. These prayers have sometimes been called the "O Antiphons," and they also form the basis for the Christmas carol, O Come, O Come Emmanuel, with each of the seven titles organizing the seven verses. They are beautiful prayers because each of them touches on one of our deepest needs and intuitions. If we lived in Isaiah's day and did not yet know of the Incarnation, we would still know of our need for a Savior. We'd be crying out for the gift of Wisdom. We'd long for Light, a Root, a Key, a Flame, a true King.

Sermons from this Series

Dec 27


December 27, 2020

O Oriens: O Dayspring

Preacher: Mike Previtera Scripture: Isaiah 9:2 Series: 7 Bells to Bethlehem: The O Antiphons

Dec 24


December 24, 2020

O Emmanuel: O God With Us

Preacher: Joshua Reitano Scripture: Isaiah 7:14 Series: 7 Bells to Bethlehem: The O Antiphons

Dec 20


December 20, 2020

O Clavis David: O Key of David

Preacher: Joshua Reitano Scripture: Isaiah 22:22, Isaiah 42:6-7, Isaiah 9:7 Series: 7 Bells to Bethlehem: The O Antiphons

Dec 13


December 13, 2020

O Radix Jesse: O Root of Jesse

Preacher: Joshua Reitano Scripture: Isaiah 11:1, Isaiah 11:10, Isaiah 52:15 Series: 7 Bells to Bethlehem: The O Antiphons

Dec 6


December 6, 2020

O Adonai: O Lord

Preacher: Joshua Reitano Scripture: Isaiah 11:4-5, Isaiah 33:22 Series: 7 Bells to Bethlehem: The O Antiphons

Nov 29


November 29, 2020

O Sapientia: O Wisdom

Preacher: Mike Previtera Scripture: Isaiah 11:2-3, Isaiah 28:29, Isaiah 40:14 Series: 7 Bells to Bethlehem: The O Antiphons

Nov 22


November 22, 2020

O Rex Gentium: O King of the Nations

Preacher: Joshua Reitano Scripture: Isaiah 9:6-7, Isaiah 2:4, Isaiah 28:16 Series: 7 Bells to Bethlehem: The O Antiphons