Updated Plans and New Resources
Hopefully, you had a chance to watch Pastor Josh’s video above with a word of encouragement and a broad overview of what’s happening (and not happening) at New City in light of the coronavirus.
Here are some specific details about the topics Josh mentioned in the video.
Regarding meeting together as a church and small groups:
Our prayer and communion meetings that were scheduled this week and next are unfortunately postponed until further notice.
We will NOT gather for congregational worship at our building again this weekend.
- With the recent recommendations, we are encouraging community groups to use wisdom regarding their meeting plans. Likewise, please use wisdom and discretion in your plans for gathering with others for worship on Sunday mornings.
- We are currently developing options to meet virtually. If that is an interest, please email abby.murrish@newcitycincy.org and we’ll be in touch.
As we navigate what it looks like to embrace community in these uncertain times, here are some details of how we’re planning to communicate with you and encourage connections:
- Tomorrow, we will begin releasing a short, daily, devotional podcast from our New City staff. This podcast will be released in our Marginalia feed. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.
- These podcasts will be based on the weekly Readings and Prayers we provide on our website. We encourage you to make use of this guide in your devotional life. While we practice social distancing, this is a great way to “sit under” the same teaching together.
- We will continue to release a weekly liturgy and video sermon for household worship. Those resources will be available at newcitycincy.org/housechurch.
- We will be utilizing Facebook and Instagram to hopefully foster a sense of connection to the church body during this time. Follow us there.
- We’re working on blog posts to offer resources, ways to serve, etc. You’ll be able to find those resources at https://www.newcitycincy.org/resources/blog.
We want to empower you to connect with one another from afar. Reach out to those in your community groups, Bible studies, neighborhoods, etc. You can find contact info in the Church Center app to email, text, call, etc. We’re all figuring out together what it looks like to foster community from afar, so join us in that work and take initiative to check in on and care for those you know at church.
In closing, our website will alway house the most up-to-date information regarding how the coronavirus outbreak is affecting our plans as a church body. Visit newcitycincy.org/coronavirus for those updates. We will also be utilizing text and email to communicate plans as needed.