Getting Ready for Sunday (July 3, 2011)

in remembrance

There is something special about the people of God coming together for worship (Hebrews 10:24-25). Thus, we hope that Sundays at New City are a highlight of your week. In an effort to help you get more out of it, we're posting a short preview of the upcoming Sunday gathering.

We take a little break from our  Origins series this week (click here for past sermons and study guides). Guest Speaker Marc Champagne will be speaking from John 16:5-15, "The Difference a Counselor Makes."

Marc has been on staff at North Cincinnati Community Church, our mother church, for more than a decade and has served in various capacities. Currently, he leads their missions and outreach efforts, their music ministry, and offers supervision for the office staff. Marc and his wife, Jill, have four children and live in Mason. A long-time sideline supporter and fan of church planting, Marc and Jill were recently approved by the Presbyterian Church in America's Assessment Center and are in the beginning process of planting a multi-ethnic, mult-cultural work in Cincinnati.

In worship this week we'll have an opportunity to confess our sins and hear an assurance of pardon, present requests to God in prayer, and celebrate communion. Songs we'll sing together this week include:

Please be in prayer for our worship and for all those involved. And bring a friend!