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Sermons from this Series
Nov 24
The Hopeful Believer
Preacher: Joshua Reitano Scripture: Genesis 49:22-25–50:15-26 Series: The Gospel According to Joseph: Hard Providences and Severe Mercies
Nov 17
The Reunited Son
Preacher: Brian Ferry Scripture: Genesis 46–47 Series: The Gospel According to Joseph: Hard Providences and Severe Mercies
Nov 10
The Testing Brother
Preacher: Brian Ferry Scripture: Genesis 42–45 Series: The Gospel According to Joseph: Hard Providences and Severe Mercies
Nov 3
The Forgotten Interpreter
Preacher: Joshua Reitano Scripture: Genesis 40:1–41:57 Series: The Gospel According to Joseph: Hard Providences and Severe Mercies
Oct 27
The Innocent Victim
Preacher: Joshua Reitano Scripture: Genesis 39:1-23 Series: The Gospel According to Joseph: Hard Providences and Severe Mercies
Oct 20
The Infuriating Dreamer
Preacher: Joshua Reitano Scripture: Genesis 37:2-13, 23-36 Series: The Gospel According to Joseph: Hard Providences and Severe Mercies