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“It is safe to say that if Micah does not make you feel uncomfortable, that is a clear sign you are not reading it correctly…Micah is certainly not meant to be a feel-good read.” (Stephen Um) | Micah's message is not comfortable. Not "feel-good" but so important and challenging, maybe even especially in 21st century US America. Are you willing to be challenged? Made uncomfortable?

August 5, 2018

Waiting Well in Woes

Speaker: Brian Ferry Series: Micah Passage: Micah 7:1-20

July 29, 2018

What Does the Lord Require of You?

Speaker: Joshua Reitano Series: Micah Passage: Micah 6:1-16

July 22, 2018

Rise of the King

Speaker: Mike Previtera Series: Micah Passage: Micah 5:1-15

July 15, 2018

Universal Promise for the Here and Now

Speaker: Ryan Zhang Series: Micah Passage: Micah 4:1-13

July 8, 2018

Power and Privilege

Speaker: Brian Ferry Series: Micah Passage: Micah 3:1-12

July 1, 2018

Rejecting the King

Speaker: Mike Previtera Series: Micah Passage: Micah 2:1-13

June 24, 2018

Rebellion in the Kingdom

Speaker: Joshua Reitano Series: Micah Passage: Micah 1:1-16