Corporate worship is a great thing.  Of course, we can worship God on our own and with our families - and we should.  But there is something special about the people of God coming together for worship (Hebrews 10:24-25).  Thus, we hope that corporate worship is the highlight of your week.  In an effort to help you get more out of worship, we're posting a short preview of the upcoming worship service each week.  Hopefully you'll find this helpful and encouraging.

This Sunday we conclude our series in the Gospel of Mark.  We'll be focusing on the resurrection of Jesus from Mark 16:1-8.  To prepare for worship, read this passage and ask: What difference does the resurrection make?  How is my life different because Jesus rose from the dead?

Dave Dupee will be sharing about The Christmas Store, and how you can get involved.

In worship we'll affirm our faith using The Apostles' Creed.  We'll also be singing old songs like "O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing" and new songs like "Death in His Grave."  We'll be singing a newer song called "It Was Love" based on an old Puritan prayer.  The lyrics to It Was Love are listed below and make for a good meditation before worship. 

It was love that brought You from above,

To walk upon the earth,

And love that caused Your weariness,

Your hunger and Your thirst.


It was love that caused You to be

Tried and tempted by the foe,

And love that brought the nails and cross,

And love that bought my soul.


How wonderful Your love,

The mystery of mysteries,

Filling up my heart,

More glorious than I know.

How wonderful Your love,

There’s nothing else so sweet to me.

I’ll never be a part

From the lover of my soul,

From the lover of my soul.


Your love is filled with holiness,

O Spirit, fan this flame.

Your love will never cease or cool,

You love will never change.

O Let me see Your love for me,

Around me everywhere.

The shining sun, A gentle rain,

Remind me of Your care.


How wonderful Your love,

The mystery of mysteries,

Filling up my heart,

More glorious than I know.

How wonderful Your love,

There’s nothing else so sweet to me.

I’ll never be a part

From the lover of my soul,

From the lover of my soul.

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