Preparing for Worship (08/29/10)
August 26, 2010We're trying to give you a heads up on what will be happening during the worship service on Sunday so that you can better prepare your minds and hearts, and thus get more out of worship.
Since we are starting the process of packing up in order to move to our new location on September 12, we'll be having a simple "unplugged" worship service this week and next. Our music will be scaled down a bit, and we won't be using the normal sound equipment or PPT. So - old school. We will keep the A/C running, however.
We're excited to have a guest speaker this Sunday. Michael Craddock is an Assistant Pastor at North Cincinnati Community Church. He is a graduate of Georgetown College and Covenant Seminary. He's married to his wife Rachel, and they have two wonderful boys (Ezra and Asher). Michael will be speaking from Hebrews 12:1-2. In preparation for worship, read this passage and ask: What "weight or sin" do I need to lay aside in order to run the race God has set before me? Why does the writer emphasize the need for "endurance" in this race? What do you think the writer has in mind when he says Jesus went to the cross for the "joy set before him"?
One of the worship elements we implement periodically is a corporate reading of God's Law. We'll be doing this on Sunday - reading from the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17) and Jesus' summary of the Law (Matthew 22:37-40). Throughout the ages, Christians have agreed that there are three really important uses of God's law.
- It restrains evil and keeps order in the world. When governments (and people generally) look to God's Word (and base laws on God's laws), it generally curbs evil. It keeps society from being as bad as it could be.
- God's law teaches us about the evil that is inside each of us. It humbles us as we read God's law and see the many ways we fall short. But rather than cause us to despair, the law is designed to drive us to Jesus Christ for mercy and forgiveness. The law shows us our sin and thus causes us to love and rely on the gospel more and more.
- God's law gives us a picture of a godly life. It teaches us what a life lived in gratitude toward God really looks like.
Keep these things in mind as we read God's law together in worship this week. See you Sunday.
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