Getting Ready for Sunday 09/25/11

crowd in worship

There is something special about the people of God coming together for worship (Hebrews 10:24-25). Thus, we hope Sundays at New City are a highlight of your week. In an effort to help you get more out of it, we're posting a short preview of this Sunday's gathering.

We continue with our fall series looking at the "I Am" statements in the Gospel of John (click here for past sermons and Study Guides). This week we'll take a look at John 8:31-59 ("Before Abraham Was").

We'll begin our gathering by reading Psalm 117 - one of the many calls to worship found in the Bible. As we sing, we'll take time to confess our sins and run to God's mercy promised in the gospel. Dave will be leading us in prayer for our church and our city. We'll also hear some about The Great Cincinnati Bus Tour from the mercy team. And we'll celebrate the baptism of Cara Helin. 

Songs we'll sing include: