There is something special about the people of God coming together for worship (Hebrews 10:24-25). Thus, we hope that Sundays at New City are a highlight of your week. In an effort to help you get more out of it, we're posting a short preview of the upcoming Sunday gathering each week.
We take a break this week from our "Rooted" series to welcome a guest speaker, Chad Grindstaff. Chad grew up in northern Indiana and went to Ball State University. After college he joined staff with Campus Crusade for Christ and there met his wife Erin. They were married in 2001 and moved to Charlotte in 2002 to attend Reformed Theological Seminary. Chad spent 4 ½ years in Gainesville upon graduation as an assistant pastor. Chad and Erin have three children: Reed (6), Meredith (4), Anna Kate (2). They have moved to Cincinnati with a vision for planting another gospel-centered church in the greater-Cincinnati area.
Chad will be teaching from Colossians 2:8-10. To prepare for Sunday, read this passage, and reflect on what you learn about Jesus from the passage.
Back in November we had a great worship gathering full of stories of God's grace in the lives of people in the New City community. We're trying to have more of those stories front and center the life of our church, and so we'll regularly be asking people to share about how they came to know the Lord, or how God is working currently in their life. This week Chris Arnos will be sharing about what God has been teaching him through his month working in a medical clinic in Zambia.
Songs we'll sing this week include: Praise to the Lord Almighty, God the Father's Only Son, Thou God of Love Thou Ever Blessed, God of Love King of Peace, In the Cross of Christ (click here for lyrics and mp3 demo), and Faithful One.
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