

Annie Take Your Best Shot - Interesting article on Oakley. (HT: Caitlin Vishnauski)

Cincinnati Underground Tours - If you're looking for something new to do this summer, check out this article about the new Queen City Underground walking tour.

50 Books for Summer Reading - From Joe Carter at First Things.  Note his biases: "I prefer older to newer, short stories to long novels, magical realism to realistic narrative, and the fantastical to the mundane. Such taste make for an admittedly odd mix."

An interview with Bryan Chapell - Ligon Duncan interviews Bryan Chapell (president of Covenant Seminary) about the resurgence of reformed theology among evangelicals and the future of the PCA.  Interesting interview - about 55 minutes.

Preach to Change Them In Their Seats - Tim Keller speaking at NewFrontiers in London.

Tim Keller Feb'09: Preaching the Gospel from Newfrontiers on Vimeo.

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