We meet for Sunday worship gatherings at 9a & 10:45a at 4400 Floral Ave., Cincinnati, Oh 45212 @ the corner of Washington and Floral, just behind the Rookwood developments.


Our worship gatherings are simple, focused on Christ, and meant to be accessible to you whether you’ve been in church your whole life, or never been to church at all. We regularly explain the elements of our service and you are free to participate as you feel comfortable. Each gathering has a mix of historical and contemporary elements, everything done decently and in order, hopefully pulling the best from the old and the new. We think less in terms of the false “contemporary versus traditional” dichotomy and more in terms of including both formative and expressive elements of worship without chronological snobbery. Typical elements in our worship include a call to worship, singing, prayers, a sermon, etc. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper weekly, acknowleding that our worship gatherings are more FEAST than lecture. Our services normally lasts about an hour and 15 minutes. CLICK HERE to listen to sermons on line and HERE for some recordings of our music.



Part of meeting at a church building in an “urban light” neighborhood is limited parking.


The above map identifies parking locations closest to the building. Parking is first come, first served and there are a number of churches in our immediate area.

You will want to arrive early and if the weather is fair and you are close enough, you might even consider walking or riding your bike!

A On-site parking is limited and is reserved on Sunday mornings for guests, expecting mothers, and those with special needs. At times other than Sunday morning you are welcome to park in the parking lot if space is available.

B Sharpsburg Elementary: This parking lot is available for parking however the path through our lot is unavailable due to construction. Please park in the school lot and walk around the block.

C There are a few dedicated spots for church parking along Washington Ave. between Floral Ave. and the church building’s driveway.

D On-street parking is probably the best option. There is plentiful on street parking within a few blocks of the church building and it ought to be utilized by anyone capable of doing so. This entire map represents parking options that are within about a 2 minute walk of 4400 Floral Ave. If possible, please avoid parking on Washington past the church driveway, leaving the narrow street accessible to residents. 

Note: Please respect our neighbors by parking with courtesy (i.e. not taking up two spots, blocking/cramming driveways, don't block crosswalks, etc.). Also, be aware of all parking signage, fire hydrants, etc.


Since children are an important part of the church, children of all ages are welcome in our worship services (as they are able).We provide classes/care for kids aged 8 weeks through 4th grade at both services. Kids aged 5th grade and up are invited to our bi-monthly Tween gatherings during the 10:45a service (you can find the tween schedule on The City).  For more information on New City Kids, click here.

We have space at the back of the sanctuary with a full glass wall and audio feed so that parents with wiggly kids can still feel connected to the worship service. On the 2nd level there's a nursing mom's room with diaper changing station and there are diaper changing stations in both the men's and women's first floor restrooms as well.


There’s no standard or expectation for what to wear. At New City, you’ll see people in jeans, mostly. Wear what you’d like, is not life more important that clothing? Your presence is what’s important to us. Come and join us.