Preparing for Worship (09/05/10)

CMF sideWe're trying to give you a heads up on what will be happening during the worship service on Sunday so that you can better prepare your minds and hearts, and thus get more out of worship.

This week is our last at Cincinnati Mennonite Fellowship, and our last at 5:00pm.  Starting on September 12, we'll be worshipping at 10:00am at John P Parker School.  Click here for more information on the move, and directions to Parker.

Since all our sound and A/V equipment is packed away for the move to Parker, we'll have a scaled back, unplugged worship service.  We're privileged to have Brian Ferry come and lead us in worship.  Brian and his wife Cheryl have been in ministry in Cincinnati for the last decade, and Brian has led worship at churches, conferences, mission trips for  children, youth, college students, and adults.  We're excited to have him with us for our last Sunday night service.

The sermon this week comes from Proverbs 9:1-18.  To prepare for worship, read this text and ask thje following questions: 1.) What is the image the author is using here?  It may even be helpful to draw out the scene he's describing.  2.) What are the characteristics of Folly?  What are the characteristics of Wisdom?  3.) Why do so many people choose a lifestyle characterized by Folly?

This is also a "Prayers of the People" week, so we'll be asking you to pray during the service.  Don't worry, we won't make you.  But we will open up the floor for people to pray.  Since many people operate according to the academic calendar (and b/c we have so many changes at New City), I encourage you to use this prayer time to ask God to do great things with you this year.  Pray for the start of a new school year, for our move to Parker, for New City's Community Groups launching in September, for things going on with you at work, home, school and family.  These times always work better when you come with a few thoughts of things you'd like to pray for.  So please reflect a bit, and come ready to pray during the service.

See you Sunday. 

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