New Members at New City!

We are thankful for the ways the Lord continues to grow His church at New City. This summer, we welcomed 17 new members into our congregation:

Jean + Jeff Berkmeyer; Dustin Brankamp (Vivienne); Grace + Robert DiPaolo; Isaiah Ehmke; Amara Emenari; Rachel + David Hammitt; Calvin Hester; Annabelle Larson; Wes Ray; Hunter Roedel; Brandae + Kyle Sweetland (Rowan + Selah); Hannah Wilson; and, Ellie Wu.

If you are interested in pursuing membership at New City, we’d love for you to attend our next Intro to New City Seminar on Saturday, October 19. Intro to New City is a seminar designed to help you get to know the church a little better: hear the story of the church’s origins, our Vision, Values, Beliefs, and Philosophy of ministry, some things that are distinctive about New City, etc. It also provides a basic framework for understanding the gospel, and the church’s role in God’s plan of redemption.