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Around the web (Guilt, Creation, Growth, and Intimacy)


:: Are Christians Meant To Feel Guilty All The Time?  Helpful post by Kevin DeYoung.  He lists some reasons so many of us feel guilty: 1. We don't fully embrace the good news of the gospel.  2. Christians tend to motivate each other by guilt rather than grace.  3. Most of our low-level guilt falls under the ambiguous category of "not doing enough." And then he reminds us that 4. When we are truly guilty of sin, it is imperative that we repent and receive God's mercy. 


:: The Gulf of Mexico and the Care of Creation - Russell Moore writes about how Christians ought to think about the natural world, and why care for creation shouldn't be seen as just a "liberal issue."


:: 5 Reasons You May Not Be Seeing Spiritual Growth - Jonathan Dodson writes about why you might not be seeing spiritual growth in your life at the moment.  His article assumes that you are taking the right steps to grow (availing yourself of the means of grace - Bible reading, prayer, worship and sacraments, fellowship, etc.)  If you are doing these things and still don't seem to see growth, consider:  1.) Feelings can be misleading. 2.) We have trouble seeing incremental growth. 3.) Spiritual growth is relative but real. 4.) Our church family doesn't encourage one another enough. 5.) God is using trial and temptation to grow us.


:: Enjoying Your Spouse - Ed Welch writes about how time spent in and of itself doesn't yield real intimacy in marriage.  It must be enjoyable time, and particularly, time spent enjoying one another.

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